- Debug all ARM microcontrollers supported by OpenOCD
- High speed USB 2.0 with lower lattency time, RTCK adaptive JTAG clock up to 30Mhz and higher throughput achieve x3-x5 times faster programming speed than ARM-USB-TINY, can be used with all ARM devices for programming and debugging.
- Uses ARM's standard 2x10 pin JTAG connector
- supports ARM targets working in voltage range 2.0 – 5.0 V DC
- software supported by OpenOCD (open source) debugger
- comes with CD with Windows installer for full featured and open source tools as alternative to the commercial ARM
development packages: GCC C compiler, openOCD debugger and Eclipse IDE.
- dimensions 50x40 mm (2x1.6") + 20 cm (8") JTAG cable